By: Murray Altman-Kaough
Graduate Student
International Center for Studies in Creativity
Buffalo State College
The Book of Life: Guided exercises in
designing your big, bold, beautiful life is a compact CPS curriculum in narrative form. I created the Book
of Life as my Creative Studies
Master’s project, and as a curriculum for use in my coaching and training. Designed to lead participants in
conceptualizing their lives in a storybook format, the curriculum provides CPS
training and invites students to reimagine their creative lives. Self-discovery is accomplished in a
relaxed and playful way, in both written and illustrated form, as creators are
guided in exploring collage, doodling, mandala coloring, poetry and
storytelling as they work through the Book
of Life. As a visual artist I
firmly believe in the power of the arts in stimulating the imagination and in
accessing intuitive knowledge beyond the reach of the rational mind. Not only are hands’ on projects
effective in accessing wisdom beyond the rational mind, they are simply
The purpose of the Book of Life is first, to help
participants conceive of themselves as authors and full owners of their life
narratives. Second, to support learners
in their own possibility thinking beyond culturally defined limits. Shared conceptions about what is
possible - or even suitable - at various life stages may inhibit the
development of radical life goals, especially for people at or beyond midlife.
And third, the Book of Life is
intended to provide a basic foundation in creativity skills training. Participants are supported in
constructing new timelines capable of inspiring divergent thinking and
ultimately, in more fully developing their creative potential. In thinking of their lives as a story
composed of individual chapters, students are freed to select new themes or
change story lines that don’t support them in living the most vibrant and
productive lives possible.
While the content is
definitely applicable to all age groups, I developed the project primarily for
use with historically underserved populations such as women and adults mid-life
and older. I had observed during
my time in the Creative Studies program that, while a prodigious amount of
creativity research investigates and supports creativity in children and young
adults, very little specifically targets training and skill development in mature
adults. Despite relatively recent
improvements in the recognition of women as full equals in creative potential, a
gap unfortunately remains between men and women in terms of ‘Big C’ creative
output across disciplines.
Exceptions still prove the rule.
For example: first woman Supreme Court justice, first woman astronaut,
first woman racecar driver, first U.S. woman poet laureate, woman president of
the U.S. - oh wait, never mind.
Here in the West we
tend to view the arc of the human lifespan as unidirectional; flowering early
and dwindling fast, and ending in an utterly predictable and ignoble end. Were you to examine the common timeline
of the average human, you would find that the vast majority of positive
milestone events are clustered in the first thirty or so years. For example, learning to drive, heading
off to college, entering the work force, marriage, home ownership and
childrearing are generally accepted as positive events and necessary markers toward
attaining adulthood.
But what comes after
that? What are our assumptions
beyond midlife? The mile markers
grow fewer and far less positive - we typically don’t anticipate much beyond
retirement, old age and the attendant declines in health and productivity. Not unlike humanity’s former shared
belief in a flat earth, we seem to think of the human lifecycle in static
terms. Youth is effectively
regarded as a time of high divergence, while maturity converges rapidly on an
increasingly narrow perspective.
Even the words we use to describe maturity are underwhelming and
undermining, and rebranding is clearly needed. If our assumptions about creative output beyond
midlife aren’t a textbook example of premature closure, I don’t know what is!
While our lifespans
have continued to increase, for the most part, we haven’t revised our
expectations of productivity and creativity across the
decades of life. We’re clearly living
longer, but have not adjusted our expectations accordingly. We expect
older people to dwindle and diminish in creative capacity and output, and
so they do. This strikes me as a preventable human tragedy.
And so the Book of
Life concept evolved as a curriculum for use in small group training
sessions in CPS concepts. But even
more importantly, it is also intended to motivate and inspire students in
questioning their own assumptions about their creative potential, and in
encouraging them in radical goal setting beyond the first third of life. We now know that creativity is highly
correlated with learning and curiosity.
We also know that environments can stimulate or inhibit creativity. The Book
of Life is intended to help participants avoid premature closure, question
assumptions and experiment artistically in imaging fuller and more creative
Read the entire Master’s project paper in the ICSC Digital Commons.
Murray Altman-Kaough (Max) is a success coach and motivational trainer with twenty years' experience in higher education. She earned a Master of Science from the International Creative Studies program in 2014. She leads transformational adventure excursions to deserts of the western U.S., in which she combines her passion for inspiring others with her love of the arts and the wonders of the outdoors. Murray is an accomplished painter, budding author and energetic motivational speaker and creative collaborator. She believes that we are called to follow our hearts in living creatively, and that in pursuing our passions we can best help heal the world. Her mission is helping inspire others to be powerful creators, living to their utmost and engaging in deeply meaningful work.